Can You Get Snap On Teeth You Can Eat With?

Are you looking for a perfect smile, but without the drills, needles, and high prices that come with many permanent enhancements? Snap on teeth you can eat with are one quick and easy way to get your desired look without the hassle.

Your teeth can significantly impact your self-confidence, but they also do the essential work of chewing all the food you eat. When selecting the right dental enhancement for you, consider how each option will impact your ability to eat and drink. You may want to avoid the embarrassment of popping out your teeth in front of your dinner guests.

Thankfully, there are many snap on teeth you can eat with. Find out if these temporary, removable options are the best solution for your smile.

What Are Snap On Teeth?

Snap on teeth are a temporary prosthetic that clips on to your natural teeth. They do not require any painful or invasive procedures, and they are more affordable than braces or permanent veneers. A dentist creates them by taking a mold of your teeth, then customizing the color and shape based on your preferences. Finally, the dentist forms your new snap on teeth out of a durable material like resin.

Snap on teeth can fix issues with the appearance of your teeth, like stains, small gaps, and discoloration. Like dentures, they are temporary and easily removable, except snap on teeth leave your natural smile intact. Because they sit over your natural teeth without removing a layer of enamel, snap on teeth can feel bulkier than your normal teeth.

These temporary veneers require regular brushing, just like your real teeth, and should be soaked in water overnight. When properly cared for, snap on teeth you can eat with will last about two years. Your dentist will keep your mold on file and create a shiny new pair if your snap on teeth get damaged or worn out.

Can You Eat With Snap On Teeth?

Yes, there are snap on teeth you can eat with. The thin resin material is strong enough to chew like natural teeth. Most of the foods you usually eat can be enjoyed without having to remove your temporary veneer.

To get the most out of your snap on teeth, experts recommend avoiding sticky foods like chewing gum and taffy. You should also stay away from hard foods, so wait to bite into crusty bread and well-done meats until you can use your natural teeth. Ignoring these guidelines could cause stress and damage to your snap on teeth.

Snap on teeth you can eat with should be removed and brushed after you’re finished chewing food. Anything that gets trapped between your prosthetic and your natural teeth will eat away at your enamel, causing damage. Remember to brush and floss your natural teeth every day, too.

As long as you avoid tough, chewy foods and take good care of your prosthetic, your snap on teeth will last through many great meals and big smiles. A dentist can help you decide if snap on teeth are the best option for your lifestyle.