What Are the Black Triangles on Teeth?

Noticing black triangles between some of your teeth might be confusing but is usually the result of insufficient development of your gum tissues. These black triangles are not always concerning but if there are too many of them and are leading to other issues, then you might require dental care and treatment.


Through this guide, you can learn more about black triangles on teeth, what causes them and what options you have when it comes to treating this condition.


What Are Black Triangles?

Black triangles are essentially triangular gaps that might exist between your teeth. Whenever your gum tissues cannot develop enough to fill up these gaps, you might notice such black triangles in your teeth.


As many as 67% of people over the age of 20 have such black triangles between their teeth, although the number and size can vary. In this context, it is clear that such black triangles are quite common.


Some of them might not require further treatment or care at all, but you should still monitor them regularly in case the gap has increased or if more of them seem to be developing.


Causes of Black Triangles

Understanding and figuring out the cause behind the black triangles can make it easier for you to figure out what you can do to correct, treat and even prevent their occurrence.


Let’s go through some common causes of black triangles below.


Loss of Bone

Bone loss can be a significant and primary cause of black triangles when it comes to your teeth. This condition usually means that the bones that might otherwise lead to the healthy growth of your teeth are starting to retreat or diminish.


When this occurs, the gums above your teeth can also get affected, causing them to shrink in size, creating gaps or black triangles wherever this bone loss takes place.


Why exactly does this kind of bone loss occur? Usually, conditions like osteoporosis and gum diseases can weaken the bones, also affecting your teeth.


Consulting your dentist, in this case, can be the best solution.


Shape of Teeth

This is quite a simple cause of black triangles. You might simply have teeth shaped like a triangle, also leading to black triangles between one tooth and another. Usually, teeth tend to have a uniform shape from the gum to the bottom.


Uneven shapes of your teeth might also mean that while some teeth do not have such black triangles, others do.


Such shapes of teeth usually occur naturally or genetically. In most cases, they should not present too much of a problem or occur too frequently, but if you find them intrusive, then make sure you consult your dentist to see how you can correct the shape.


Retreating Gums

When you have healthy and sturdy gums, you might not need to worry about black triangles at all when it comes to your teeth. This is because they can grow and develop well enough to cover any gaps that might exist between your teeth.


However, if there is some kind of issue with the gums themselves, then they might end up shrinking or retreating, making the gaps or black triangles between your teeth prominent.


A common cause behind such retreating gums is the occurrence of gum or periodontal disease that can weaken the strength of your gums, leading to inadequate development and infections.


Oral Hygiene

Poor dental and oral hygiene can also lead to black triangles. If you brush your teeth infrequently or do not rinse your mouth enough, chances are that your gums might get infected due to food particles getting stuck and bacteria growing as a result.


This can damage your gums and cause them to recede a bit.


Another side of this is if you overbrush your teeth or brush them too vigorously. Your gum tissues can then get damaged and create gaps or black triangles.


You might be able to repair your tissues by bringing your oral hygiene back on track.


Orthodontic Care

It is actually quite likely that orthodontic care or treatment or surgery of any sort in your mouth can end up creating further issues. In many cases, your treatment might require your dentist to displace your teeth so that they can stop causing issues in your mouth.


You might need to wear dental appliances to ensure that your treatment works and your replaced or corrected teeth stay in place.


However, by making such changes, it is possible for more gaps to end up forming, leading to black triangles. In fact, such orthodontic treatment can considerably increase the risks that can cause black triangles.



The condition of gum tissues can differ quite a bit when it comes to different people. A part of this includes how thick or thin these tissues are, with thinner tissues being more vulnerable to problems due to associated dental issues.


Trying to treat these dental issues might end up affecting the thin gum tissues, causing them to tear or damage. This can then create gaps between your teeth, making it difficult for the tissues to repair themselves fully.


Making general aesthetic corrections to your teeth can also end up causing problems to your tissues and thus leading to embrasures.



It is quite likely that you might not require any form of treatment for your black triangles at all, especially if they are rare and small. In most cases, however, you should make it a point to consult your dentist so that you can come to a conclusion and figure out further treatment options.


You can go through some forms of treatment below.


Dental Hygiene

You must ensure that you maintain your dental hygiene properly. Brush your teeth in the right way and do not underdo or even overdo it as this can easily end up causing further damage to your gums, resulting in even more black triangles.


For the existing black triangles (that are the result of poor dental hygiene), getting back on track with your brushing routine, techniques, flossing and rinsing your mouth regularly can help you repair your gums and fill up the gaps.



Veneers are tooth masks made from acrylic or silicone or even ceramic that your dentists might install in your black triangles. These can help cover up the gaps so that your teeth look more cohesive and uniform.


Using such veneers can also be a good way to save on costs that might otherwise be involved in this kind of dental care.


You will, however, need to take excellent care of your teeth. It might take some time to get used to the veneers as well.



Braces can be ideal solutions when it comes to correcting black triangles. You might also only need to wear them temporarily to result in a long-term or even permanent repair.


Whether the gaps between your teeth exist naturally, due to an accident or due to the result of another orthodontic surgery and displacement, wearing braces can help cover the gaps by bringing your teeth back into place and closer to each other.


Wearing them temporarily, however, might still include a few years at a time to see the desired results. It might take some time for you to get used to wearing them all the time and the cost can be higher as well.


Despite this, they are usually quite effective.


Tissue Grafting

Gum diseases can damage your tissues considerably. Of course, there can be other external factors leading to damaged gum tissues as well that may have led to your black triangles.


By grafting and engineering new tissues in the area through surgery, your gum tissues might be able to find repair and grow back in place. This can then cover up the gaps between your teeth.


If the issue is with your bones, such as when you have osteoporosis, your dentist might also suggest bone engineering or dental implants.


Resin Bonding

Resin bonding is another treatment process that can help cover or fill in the gaps and get rid of the black triangles between your teeth. This can involve applying pink or white-like resins to the gaps over a period of time so that the black triangles are no longer visible or prominent.


Other Options

Some other treatment options include:


  • Volumizing the tissues
  • Reshaping the teeth
  • Getting hyaluronic acid injections


You can also completely prevent the occurrence of black triangles by practicing gentle and regular dental hygiene, reducing the extent of smoking and using the right toothbrush for your teeth.


If you have any issues or questions, remember to consult your dentist.


Final Thoughts

Now that you know about the causes and treatment options that you have when it comes to black triangles, you can figure out whether or not you should seek treatment at all.


Generally speaking, if these triangles are unintrusive, you might be okay keeping them as they are but if they interfere with eating and lead to infections, you should ask your dentist for solutions. In either case, consulting your dentist for advice can provide clarity.